HF or high frequency radio should be considered by any traveller in Australia who regularly visits remote areas outside of mobile-phone coverage. HF radio is a reliable method of making a call for assistance or emergency contact for help in the instant required, which could be life saving.
A HF radio connected to the Austravel Safety Network provides more than just wide area communications. For example peace of mind for your family safety and a sense of community by being able to chat to others while travelling are just a few of the benefits. Austravel covers distances Australia wide, way beyond the limits of the telcos. We have modern connective services to friends and family mobile phones for newer HF radios. See Out-n-About TM for more information.
Unlike a UHF CB radio, High Frequency radio (HF) travels long distances ranging up to 2000Km direct point to point if required. Austravel SafetyNet with its suitably located radio base stations around Australia, provides connection to the telephone system for your calls and Internet for smart features. While travelling, communication and emergency calls are possible from everywhere in Australia.
Social distancing has become a thing of the past, except perhaps when you are travelling in remote areas. When you travel, you are physically very distant from others but that does not mean you have to be socially distant. A HF radio will keep you intouch and can provide a feeling of community by chatting with others when ever you wish and with no cost.
Our innovative HF radio technologies touch virtually every aspect of the recreational remote area traveller’s communications needs. HF radio network solutions strip the distance boundaries of the mobile phone network and our innovative technologies touch virtually every aspect of the recreational remote area traveller’s communications needs thereby keeping social contact with family and friends and contact with emergency first responders if required.
With a single button press, send a call for help, from anywhere in Australia:
Join in on open voice sked contacts with base operators
Enjoy radio chat with other club members
Make a direct dial phone call via your radio as part of your membership.
Send an SMS to someone’s mobile phone from your radio
Send a GPS position to be viewed on a mobile phone app or Google maps via email
Receive on your radio Austravel mailbox messages from friends
Send a short email text to nominated persons
Friends and family can run a phone app to view your travels and message back to your radio
Request information from sked operators or other travelling members
We are a not-for-profit organisation where our members volunteer in various roles to provide the services on our network. We use innovative technology that provides an edge over other HF radio services in Australia for the exclusive benefit of our members.